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how to get to lake of rot

My least favorite thing is tutorials that are way too detailed that is a walkthrough so here Im just pointing you in the right direction should you want. The Lake of Rot is a completely missable area in Elden Ring and you can only access it if youre progressing through Rannis questline.

Elden Ring How To Get To Lake Of Rot
Elden Ring How To Get To Lake Of Rot

This skill has the Katanas wielder.

. To get the Dragonscale Blade in Elden Ring Tarnished Katana enthusiasts must make their way across the Lake of Rot to fight an optional Field Boss. The Lake of Rot is one location that is difficult to find despite being visible near the Ainsel River Downstream site of grace. The goal in the Lake of Rot secret area in Elden Ring is to reach the fort at the back. When you first arrive at the Lake of Rot youll quickly discover that the majority of the area is a thick bog and if you step into it for too long youll contract Scarlet Rot.

Getting across this area means you have to wade through the Scarlet Rot and hope you survive the journey. There are multiple ways to combat this so that youre not constantly dying. You can get to Lake Rot by heading southwest from the Nokstella Waterfall Basin Site of Grace in Ainsel River Main. While youre there be sure to get all of the Larval Tears in Nokstella as well as the Legendary Talisman.

Right as you emerge youll find the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace. It is accessible through Nokstella which you can get to via a coffin in Deeproot Depths. That said Im not sure you can lock yourself out of doing her questline. You dont Lake of Rot is inaccessible unless you do the questline - theres an area that you can look out over the lake but you cannot descend into it.

Watch popular content from the following creators. Lake of rot elden ring wiki map lake rot recommended level by location nokstella eternal city and the Lake of Rot Elden Ring Wiki Source. The Dragonscale Blade is a Katana in Elden Ring that scales with Strength and Dexterity and is imbued with a unique weapon art called Ice Lightning Sword. Although the swamp doesnt slow the character like other locations in the game the Scarlet Rot buildup is deathly fast and will be disastrous for any unprepared Elden Ring adventurer attempting to traverse the rot lagoon.

Getting to the secret areas in Elden Ring can feel cryptic at points but it demonstrates how crucial the NPCs are particularly Ranni in this case. Youll have to walk through the ooze so either equip the Flame Cleanse Me Incantation or use Preserving Boluses to get rid of the disease. You can find Flame Cleanse Me Incantation on one of the corpses at the Fire Monk camp southeast of the Church of Vows. The Lake of Rot is a secret optional location in the Ainsel River region but youll only get a small glimpse of the true evil of this place.

Lake of Rot Shoreside. Elden Ring Get to Grand Cloister Site of Grace Cross Lake of Rot. Part of the get to site of grace series and how to get to boss Astel Naturalborn of the Vo. Fortunately Elden Ring provides several.

Theres a lift in the area that takes you down to the northern part of the lake. The best way to cross the Rot of Lake is to use the Flame Cleanse Me Incantation to remove the status effect immediately in combination with a Talisman called Immunizing Horn Charm 1 that will help alleviate its build-up. This means the status effect scarlet rot will build up quickly and start chopping away at your health before you even reach the finish line. How to get to lake of rot 1204K views Discover short videos related to how to get to lake of rot on TikTok.

As its name implies the Lake of Rot is a reservoir full of liquid Scarlet Rot. M Franklin Authorauthormfranklin JordiBlumpjjthearms juliaajuliaagonzaa Matthew Doerrmatthew_doerr Greenville Robloxgreenvillerobloxhelp. Lake of Rot An initially daunting area the entirety of this zone inflicts the Scarlet Rot status effect which once the bar is maximized. Lake of Rot is one of the nastiest secret areas in Elden Ring this covered in Scarlet Rot.

Follow the river downstream and youll get to Nokstella Eternal City in Elden Ring. In Lake of Rot you have to run through a sea of scarlet rot to get to your final destination. If you want to get to the Lake of Rot youll have to head further south through Nokstella and beat the Baleful Shadow boss. But it is possible to make your way down to this massive hellscape and it can be quite.

But because the body of water is plain Scarlet Rot youll need to sprint to reach landmasses. 1 day agoUpon arriving at the Lake of Rot players should activate the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace and prepare to journey into the rot-infested.

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